"The Unnamed" series, 2022 (Landfalls on Key West, Jacksonville, Bermuda and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
 Gabriel, 2013, 28 x 15 in, cut paper, collage.
 Wanda, 2021, 11 x 16.5 in, cut paper on MDF board.
 "The Unnamed" series (landfalls at Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Camagüey, Cuba), 2021, 12 in diameter, cotton and silk thread embroidery on silk   Photo credit: Raquel Perez Puig
 Cynthia, 2012, 19.5 in x 25.5 in, cut paper, collage.
 Carmela, 2012-2022, 24 x 36 in, hand-cut 4-layer paper collage  Photo: Andrew Gillis
 Carmen, 2011, 27.5 in x 39.5 in, cut paper, collage.
 Daniel, 2018, 17 in x 20.5 in, cut paper, collage, graphite, pastel.
 Marla, 2021, 21.75 x 18 in, color pencil on hand cut paper, collage.
 The Unnamed (Florida Panhandle, Houston), 2019, 30 in diameter, silk fabric, cotton and silk embroidery.
 Detail. The Unnamed (Florida Panhandle, Houston)
 Luis, 2012, 30 in x 35 in, cut paper, collage.
 Gabino, 2011, 12 in diameter, collage, embroidery hoop.
 Marcelo, 2018, pastel on cut paper, collage.
 The Unnamed (hurricane tracks), 2018, 30 in diameter, embroidery.
 Tsunami (Mayagüez), 2013, 17 in x 45 in, cut paper, collage.
 Installation view, Hurricane series, Gallardo/Budoff: Growth, Breadth and Terrain, Rollins Museum of Art, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL
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